Red Grape Vinegar

Red grape vinegar is a tangy and flavorful condiment made from the juice of red grapes. This vinegar is crafted through a fermentation process, allowing natural airborne organisms to convert grape juice into a distinctive red grape vinegar. Its rich color and robust taste make it a versatile ingredient in various culinary applications, adding depth and acidity to salads, dressings, and marinades.

Red grape vinegar and red wine vinegar, while sharing similarities, differ in their base ingredients and production processes. Red grape vinegar is made directly from the juice of red grapes, fermented to create a tangy vinegar. In contrast, red wine vinegar is produced by fermenting red wine, utilizing acetobacter microbes to convert the wine’s alcohol into acetic acid. The distinct starting materials make red grape vinegar slightly milder and less acidic than red wine vinegar.

Tasting Profile

Platanis red grape vinegar offers a distinctive tasting profile characterized by a well-balanced and moderate acidity. With its rich, fruity undertones derived from the juice of red grapes, it provides a milder and less sharp flavor compared to red wine vinegar. The tangy notes are complemented by its light body, making it a versatile condiment. This vinegar enhances a variety of dishes, imparting a delightful combination of sweetness and acidity to salads, dressings, marinades, and other culinary creations.

Production Method

Red grape vinegar is crafted by fermenting the juice of red grapes. The process begins with the extraction of grape juice, which is then placed in a food-grade container with a breathable cover. Natural acetobacter microbes initiate fermentation, transforming the grape juice into vinegar over a few months. During this time, the acetic acid content increases, lending the vinegar its tangy flavor. The simplicity of the production method allows for the creation of a fresh and flavorful red grape vinegar in a relatively short time span.

Technical Details


Our red grape vinegar boasts a moderate acidity level of 4.5%, which lends itself to a range of culinary and other household applications.

Health and Wellness Benefits:

Red grape vinegar offers health benefits, including antioxidant properties that combat oxidative stress, supporting overall health. Its moderate acidity may aid digestion. Some studies suggest vinegar consumption may assist in blood sugar control. Additionally, the vinegar’s potential anti-inflammatory effects may contribute to heart health. Incorporating red grape vinegar into your diet may provide a flavorful and healthful boost to various dishes.


Our red grape vinegar is available in two sizes, 500 ml and 1.5L.

Usage Ideas

  • Create a delicious vinaigrette by combining red grape vinegar with olive oil, Dijon mustard, and herbs. Drizzle over salads and grilled vegetables for a burst of flavor.
  • Use red grape vinegar as a key ingredient in marinades for meats. Its tangy profile enhances flavors and helps tenderize the meat before cooking.
  • Make pickled fruits or vegetables by combining red grape vinegar with sugar, salt, and spices. This adds a sweet and tangy kick to preserved produce.

Elevate your culinary experiences and embrace a healthier lifestyle with Platanis Red Grape Vinegar.

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